Bookmarklets: Drag any of these buttons to your browser's bookmarks bar

Search in Clickability

Search this content in Presto

This bookmarklet helps you jump from an article on the site to the item in the Presto interface. When you're on any webpage, clicking this bookmarklet will instantly take you to a Presto search results page for the content ID. *This will open the Presto search in new browser tab, so you may need to configure your browsers to allow pop-ups from the site you are using this bookmarklet on.

Toggle Stage/Production

Toggle between stage/production environments

This bookmarklet helps you preview a page before publishing it live to the site. When you're on any webpage, clicking this bookmarklet with reload the page in the Staging/In Progress environment. Conversely, if you're in Stage, it will reload the page in the Production/Live environment.

Cache Bust

Get the latest version of the page

This bookmarklet helps you forces your browser to get the most updated version of the page. When you're on any webpage, clicking this bookmarklet will append a query parameter to the url and reload the page. The additional query parameter to will force the page to be re-generated by Clickability to reflect recent changes to the content.

Toggle Mobile

Toggle mobile rendering

This bookmarklet will modify the url of the page to render the page using the mobile templates. This should work on all sites.

Facebook Refresh

Facebook debug the article page

This bookmarklet helps you refresh the metadata shown by Facebook in user's timelines. When you're on any article page, clicking this bookmarklet will resubmit the article page's url to the Facebook Debugger which should prompt Facebook to re-scrape the article headline, tease, and image that's associated with the article.